Friday, November 17, 2006 

Sidewalk chalk?

We have a customer that wants a fairly big sized pallet that is almost a solid top. This makes it hard for our employees to see the stringers to nail to. They have been utilizing a standard construction chalk line in order to nail straight and to secure the decking to the stringers.

This morning they ran out of chalk and I happen to have the kid's sidewalk chalk in my office. I thought that would bring them some humor when I walked up to them and gave it to them to use. Of Course they started laughing and making comments of how they were going to graffiti the pallets. We then filled up the chalk line and they continued.
After lunch, I noticed them using the sidewalk chalk to mark the deck boards as they placed them on the stringer. This process seemed to go faster for them and they actually like it better!

Who would have thought that the children's sidewalk chalk could be so valuable in a pallet company.

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  • I'm Kim
  • From Central Indiana, United States
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