Thursday, February 23, 2006 

Pallet overload and pallet parts!

Recycling has been great for the company. It has opened us up to a whole other market. What seems to come with recycling though is the odds and ends that I particulars cannot use. However, I know someone, somewhere can. Check out the surplus of pallets and pallet parts below.

Are you looking for?

Heavy duty pallet material

Hardwood and Pine
3x4x10' and 12'
4x4x10' and 12'
7/8 x 3 1/4 x RL
1 1/4 x 3 1/4 x RL

Heavy duty skids
67 1/2 x 67 1/2 winged skid
with 3x4 stringers and banding groove

Hardwood stringers 2-way and 4-way
under 40" (will cut to size or you can)

42" 2-way and 4-way

Misc. other
Metal racking with Shelves
54D x 44W x 54H
Go Here to contact me regarding items above
Pallet Equipment
Bronco Model 200 pallet nailing table w/ stacker $1800.00 OBO
Morgan Mfg. auto cant trim saw (all the whistles) $7000.00
KPV automatice block cutter $3500.00

Wednesday, February 22, 2006 

Walk Walk Walk

As we know most all jobs and life for that matter can cause bouts of stress induced depression. Maybe not "can't get off the couch or out the bed" type depression but just the normal visit of the blues. Alot of times this comes during this time of year when it is cold and dismal. Even in the mildest form depression or the blues can make it hard to motivate yourself to walk or excercise, but according to this article just a few minutes a day will make a world of difference.

So good luck in finding that perfect fit for an excercise routine. The county YMCA offers many programs at reasonable prices, there are alot of schools that allow people to walk, and if you are not a shopaholic one could always hit the malls. Happy Days!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 

How did you get into this kind of business?

I hear that all the time. I am a 36 year old woman who has been working in what I call a man's industry now for about 7 years. I reflect back to my childhood when I was chasing after my father and uncle at the car lot. My father worked for Delco Remy but also had a small car lot on the side. If given a choice to clean my room or go to the junk Yard with my father...I chose my father. It didn't matter what was going on in the garage I had my nose into it. I was learning about wet sanding and bondo when I was in elementary. I had by turn at playing "mechanics nurse" Wrench, socket, oil filter....go get me...etc. My Dad and my uncle were great about letting me get into the midst of whatever was going on under the hood or under the car. It is no wonder that I apply that to my everyday life. Forktruck trouble now? I have my hands into it. (now I wear those nice little latex gloves to keep the grease from getting under my nails) I am still pretty good at diagnosing problems with vehicles. I remember many a Saturday nights at a car action with my dad. We had a mission. My job was to check out the details, find the flaws and bring it to dad's attention. If we purchased the car then we would immediately take it for a ride. (you only have so long to take it before arbitration if a big problem exists) Same routine, turn off the radio and check her out. My dad is great at diagnosing and he taught me almost everything I know. (I have learned a lot along the way myself by paying attention...But he taught me that also) He will be the first to tell you that detecting it doesn't mean you know how to fix it. I went a little further with the fixing part though. (I don't have the money to pay someone else to do it like dad did) My first real paying job was with my dad. He taught me how to detail the cars. Let's just say I had a lot of practice finding the diamonds in the rough. He still says today that I was the best detailer. (I think he's a little bias) Anyway that is the story behind why I think I was destined to be involved in a man's industry.
After marriage I worked in several offices gaining a lot of clerical knowledge. I then worked at a pharmaceutical company for about 6 years. During that time I was trained and had great mentors who went out of their way to help me develop. I worked in Sales, Marketing, Research and Development, and Finance. Pretty well rounded huh? I then went to work for a defense attorney for about 6 years. Then, this opportunity came along. The wife of my current mentor was the transcriptionist for the attorney I worked for. They shared with me this opportunity. I came to the pallet industry as a Manager. I had a whole two weeks training at the other facility. "The best training is hands on" Is the water warm cuz I'm jumpin in. This business has been up and down, good and bad. It is cold in the winter and hot in the summer and dusty all year round, but it is now mine. Every day presents a different challenge and a different achievement. I cannot imagine myself doing anything other than what I am doing now. I love hands on! I believe my whole life has been preparation for what I am doing now, and I am sure this is preparation for what is to come! So that's the story, time to go make some pallets!

Friday, February 03, 2006 

Hardwood flooring Industry causes issues for Pallet manufacturers.

A lot of people have different opinions on how the increase of demand of lumber for Hardwood flooring will affect the Pallet industry.

The pallet industry is pretty tough for a lot of reasons. When I first came into this type of business about 7 years ago, the last thing I ever had to worry about what having to pick up the phone and go through a series of lumber suppliers in order to find one that could get me what I needed when I needed it and at a price that afforded me a competitive edge.

In the past a primary supplier was all I really needed, maybe a secondary occasionally. Now I have about 5 or 6 sources that I have to go through. Off Course since I am forced to go out of my local area the price is more due to the hauling expense.

Pallets are the last thing a company wants to see have a price increase. They are in most cases the price for doing business. Just like any commodity when the demand goes does the price. The railroad started honing in on pallet stock a couple of years ago and now the hardwood flooring is utilizing it as well. Obviously the sawmills are going to prefer selling to these types of industries and the price they can get justifies that.

What does that mean? The pallet industry is left with the "not so nice" wood unlike most of us are accustomed to, and we pay more and spend more time trying to bargain shop and find a steady supply. This Pallet Enterprise article has some good charts that show the growth of the hardwood flooring industry and a lot of other good information.

I have recently hooked up with a gentleman at Wappoo Woods that helps me find the odd stuff that no one else really wants, but fits nicely with what I need. I have been thinking out side of the box for some time now anyhow, and he is really good at that so, it's a nice fit.

Kudos to Joey!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006 

Vote for Dawnsedge!

Hey everyone, guess what? I entered a small article on and I was selected to be entered into the Weekly winners circle.

Whoever gets the most votes wins $1,000.00. I could so use that. So I am asking each of you to logon and read my article and vote for ME. (Really I am begging) And if you could pass this along to others and perhaps ask them to vote as well, I would greatly appreciate it! (Still begging) Voting starts today and ends on Friday!

I’d also encourage you all to give it a try yourself! Could be fun, maybe we could all take a sunny beach vacation with our winnings!

OK enough dreaming…Here is what you do.

Click here after reading the following….

“Click here” will take you to the home page of On the right hand side of the screen (down just a bit) it will say Weekly Voting. There will be five to choose from. Mine is called “Here’s a quarter call someone who cares, but make sure it’s not raining”. (by the way, I am Dawnsedge) Please click on the circle in front of my article and that’s it!

I hope you enjoy it and get a little bit of a chuckle to brighten your day!

Thanks a lot and if you decide to participate and needs some votes I will be sure to return the favor!

Have a Blessed Day


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  • I'm Kim
  • From Central Indiana, United States
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New Castle Pallet Co.

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